Weather Cancellations and Delays and other emergencies
HHCS may have a 2-hour delay but will not close early. Parents should use their own judgment about driving or sending student drivers to school. We realize that conditions may be worse in the county, and many of our families have a long drive. Safety is our first concern.
7:00-9:30 AM EXTENDED CARE (2-hour delay) POLICY See also 6.3 Extended Care
*“Enrolled” students are defined as those who stay in extended care every day and the annual fee is included in the payment plan. Families whose students stay one or two days a week, or maybe only occasionally, who are billed by the week are considered non-enrolled.
HHCS may have a 2-hour delay but will not close early. Parents should use their own judgment about driving or sending student drivers to school. We realize that conditions may be worse in the county, and many of our families have a long drive. Safety is our first concern.
- School closing will be announced as early in the morning as possible (usually by 6:00 a.m.) through the following media:
- TV stations: RTV6, WTHR-13, WISH-TV8. Do not be confused by Heritage Christian, Indianapolis.
- Radio: NASH FM 102.5 / Real Country AM 1550 (Formerly WMDH).
- School website, Sycamore, and text message sent through School Messenger. Make sure your phone settings allow SMS/MMS messaging. If you do not receive the message, please contact Mrs. Miller in the elementary office.
- Parents who have signed the permission form will also be notified through School Messenger by text, email or voicemail.
- When there is a 2-hour delay, preschool and half-day kindergarten classes will meet. However, we realize that the scheduling may be difficult to bring a student at 10:00 and pick them up again at 11:30. Please use your own judgment. Students will not be penalized if they do not attend on that day.
- On a two-hour delay secondary class periods will be adjusted so that all morning classes will meet.
- If snow starts during the school day, and you plan to pick up your students early or want your student driver to start for home early, please call the office.
- Extended care will remain open until 5:30 unless another emergency arises (power outage, leaks).
- The Administration checks weather conditions and is aware of what other school corporations are doing. Generally, HHCS will be closed if Muncie Community (city schools) is closed, or a county emergency is declared.
- County schools have to be concerned with getting buses down snowy, icy, or drifted roads. Do not assume that we will be closed just because a nearby county school is closed. Check the TV and/or your phone alert to be sure.
- We also realize that conditions are often much different in neighboring counties. Please do what you feel is safe for your family, especially your student drivers.
7:00-9:30 AM EXTENDED CARE (2-hour delay) POLICY See also 6.3 Extended Care
- Service is available at no extra charge to enrolled* students who are billed the monthly rate for extended care.
- Non-enrolled* families will be charged a flat $10 fee PER STUDENT for any amount of time they use the service between 7:00 and 9:30 AM.
- If school is subsequently cancelled because of worsening weather conditions or another emergency (e.g., power outage or water pipe break), personnel will call or text the parents to pick up their students.
*“Enrolled” students are defined as those who stay in extended care every day and the annual fee is included in the payment plan. Families whose students stay one or two days a week, or maybe only occasionally, who are billed by the week are considered non-enrolled.