Upcoming events this semester.
~January 17 - Preschool (3's & 4's) Pastries with Pals, 8am, Fellowship Hall.
~ 2nd–5th grade's Elementary Preliminary Spelling Bee, January 22, 2pm, Aud.
~ 6th–8th grade's Middle School Preliminary Bee, January 23, 12:30pm, Fine Arts.
~ Spelling Bee, January 30, 7pm, Fine Arts.
~ Science Fair for 4th–9th grades, February 13, 6:30pm, Fine Arts.
~January 17 - Preschool (3's & 4's) Pastries with Pals, 8am, Fellowship Hall.
~ 2nd–5th grade's Elementary Preliminary Spelling Bee, January 22, 2pm, Aud.
~ 6th–8th grade's Middle School Preliminary Bee, January 23, 12:30pm, Fine Arts.
~ Spelling Bee, January 30, 7pm, Fine Arts.
~ Science Fair for 4th–9th grades, February 13, 6:30pm, Fine Arts.