To donate to Heritage Hall Christian School, please click the "Donate" button below.
Thank you for partnering with us financially. We greatly appreciate your support! If you want your donation to be tax deductible, please contact us.
May the Lord bless you! Additional information is included on the "Fundraising" page. |
Pray1. Pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of our students.
2. Pray for the Lord's spiritual empowerment for our staff as we enrich our students. 3. Pray for the health and safety of our students and staff. 4. Pray the Lord's continued financial blessings to be seen. |
Donate1. HHCS could not be as successful if it weren't for the generous contributions of our families and friends. We are blessed school. If you wish to help with any need, please see our support page by clicking here.
2. Also, you can help us stay safe by donating Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer for our school. Your donating these items will be a great help to our school. |
VolunteerEven though these are different times and we are limiting guests and visitors on our campus, there are still some ways we could put your talents and skills to good use. For information about volunteering, please call the school office for current opportunities.