QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS (QCDs)When planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you may want to consider making charitable donations through a QCD.
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified 501c(3) charity. A QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income (unlike if you take the distribution yourself and then donate to a charity). General requirements: You must be 70 1/2 or older to make a QCD QCDs are limited to the amount that would otherwise be taxed as ordinary income. Maximum annual amount that can qualify for a QCD is $100,000.00. Funds must be transferred from your IRA by Dec 31. Please consult your tax advisor and/or your financial advisor or custodian for complete information about what is right for you. Heritage Hall sincerely appreciates all gifts, large or small. Please ask us how you can be involved in helping meet the ongoing needs of Heritage Hall Christian School. You can also donate by visiting our support page. Click here.
Begun in 2000, this fund is managed by The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County and generates approximately $10,000.00 annually.
Available funds are distributed to teachers in the form of bonuses and are drawn to pay for continuing education costs, including teacher certification applications, and renewals associated with maintaining our AACS accreditation. The original goal was to establish a base of $500,000.00 from which to earn interest. We are about half-way to that goal. Donors are encouraged to consider this fund as part of an estate planning portfolio. Gifts to this fund should be sent directly to The Community Foundation, PO Box 807, Muncie IN 47308-0807 . Please include a cover letter or note that your gift is for the Heritage Hall Teacher Compensation Endowment Fund. HHCS SCHOLARSHIPSThe HHCS Scholarship Fund is designated to help current HHCS families. The Fund was established by the families of Ron and JoAnn Ray, Keith Furry, and Savannah Posey.
HHCS Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Administrator and Pastor to (1) create a pathway for a Choice Scholarship in the future, (2) help pay fees not covered by other scholarships, (3) provide assistance for faculty children and (4) encourage struggling church families who need assistance. Current need is approximately $65,000.00 per year. ANDY HABEGGER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Scholarships are awarded to Heritage Hall graduating seniors who are enrolling as full-time students at Bob Jones University or Maranatha Baptist University.
This is a one-time, non-renewable scholarship. $1,500.00 is awarded annually, divided equally among the eligible applicants, and paid directly to the university by the semester. Students must confirm their enrollment, course load, and academic eligibility each semester. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR EDUCATION CHOICESGO Scholarships are awarded to supplement or fill in the gap for families who do not qualify for a full voucher. What a blessing your donations are to us and to our students and families.
The state of Indiana allocates a fixed sum of money to cover the tax credits issued for donations to Scholarships for Education Choice (or what we call our SGO Scholarship Fund). The Sagamore Institute is our SGO (Scholarship Granting Organization). The money allocated by the State operates on a fiscal year, July to June; but the tax credits are based on the calendar tax year, January to December. The best time to donate to Scholarships for Education Choice is between July and November to ensure that you get the tax credit. Gifts must be received in the Sagamore Institute office by December 31 to be eligible for the current year tax credit. |
CAMPUS SIGNAGEOur goal is to add the following:
DAYCARE/PRESCHOOL/ELEMENTARY PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONRecess time for any student is sometimes their favorite time of the day. It is a great time for students to get refreshed and get some energy out. As we strive to have a safe environment for our students, the playground is no exception. Our current playground was last updated over ten years ago and due to usage and weather, it is in need of an upgrade.
Our Annual Craft Fair is a fundraiser for our playground renovation. Watch for other events that will help fund this project and look for ways you can be involved. If you wish to contribute to this project, please click here to visit our fundraising page where you can click to donate. ONGOING GYM RENOVATIONComponents remaining in the gym renovation project are
We have a total of $24,747.00 in the gym fund. We praise the Lord for providing the funds to purchase and install new bleachers for our gym! Thank you to all who have donated and contributed toward this cause. TECHNOLOGYTechnology needs are three-fold:
(1) Staying current with the latest versions that are compatible with the programs we use. (2) Providing an adequate number of PCs/laptops for teachers. (3) And providing an adequate number of chromebooks and educational resources for students. We previously purchased 60 chromebooks and 30 headphones for the school. We also have over 80 kindles for the preschool and elementary. ___________________________________________ Praise the Lord for providing these resources for our school! 1. GoGuardian licensing from Nov 2021 through Nov 2024 which helps us keep students on task and allows us to shut down specific websites. (EANS I & II) 2. Renaissance Learning bundles (STAR math and reading & Freckle) from August 2021 through July 2025 which helps with daily math and reading practice, preparing for state testing, and shows student growth in math and reading. (EANS I& II) 3. 150 HP Chromebooks so we can have one per student since we already had 60 Chromebooks before this purchase. (EANS I) 4. 5 electronic device charging carts for the Chromebooks. (EANS I) 5. 150 student headphones. (EANS I) 6. 25 Lenovo laptops for teachers. (EANS I) 7. 25 HDMI cords for teacher use with laptops. (EANS I) 8. 20 computer bags for teacher laptops. (EANS I) 9. 20 ViewSonic ViewBoards - 75 in interactive displays with rolling stand. (EANS I) 10. 20 MEVO livestream recording cameras for the classrooms including small tripods. (EANS I) 11. 2 years of SonicWall content filtering subscription. (EANS I & II) 12. Teachers Pay Teachers School Access subscription from Nov 2022–Nov 2024 which gives each teacher access to free resources - PowerPoints, worksheets, online lessons, interactive whiteboard content, etc. (EANS II) 13. 20 NuScan document cameras for teachers. (EANS II) 14. 150 Gumdrop Chromebook shells to protect the Chromebooks. (EANS II) 15. 20 Bio Ultra HD webcams for teachers. (EANS II) |

Look for the Box Tops logo on many of your favorite products. Clip and bring to school. Check http://www.boxtops4education.com/ for monthly
coupons, special offers, prize drawings, and more. Box Tops for Education is used to purchase teaching aids, games, puzzles, videos, etc. for classroom use.
NEW: Download the Box Tops mobile app.
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When using the mobile app to scan your receipt, you now have the option to add a “Give Credit” memo for each scan. You can then tag your earnings for a grade level. Our codes for grade level earning are as follows, PK for Preschool, EL for Elementary, and HS for 7–12 grades.
coupons, special offers, prize drawings, and more. Box Tops for Education is used to purchase teaching aids, games, puzzles, videos, etc. for classroom use.
NEW: Download the Box Tops mobile app.
BUY your favorite participating products.
SCAN your receipt.
EARN money for your school.
When using the mobile app to scan your receipt, you now have the option to add a “Give Credit” memo for each scan. You can then tag your earnings for a grade level. Our codes for grade level earning are as follows, PK for Preschool, EL for Elementary, and HS for 7–12 grades.